Monday, October 24, 2011

$7.00 donation

I've had a few people ask me what the $7.00 donation covers.

Here is what OCC Canada says...
What is the suggested $7.00 donation used for?
Thanks to the generous support of our folunteers and corporate partners across Canada and around the world, the Operation Christmas Child project is able to operate yearround based on a $7.00 donation per shoe box.  The donations are used to cover the cost of domestic and international shipping, to provide resources training to our volunteers who organize the collection and distribution of shoe boxes, to equip the local church in distributing countries with resources to provide further spiritual and physical aid, to raise awareness about the project in Canada that encourages people to pack gift-filled shoe boxes and volunteer.  Additional donations are used to cover unespected project costs and to hlep Samaritan's Purse provide additional humanitarian aid to children and their communities.

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